Thursday, January 10, 2013

WEEK 1 EOC: My Voice

I want to be known as some one who made it is life. It times like this people settle for the minimum wage job and forget about their dreams. I have taken it upon my self to inspire others to never forget, though movies. Giving them the filling that anything is possible. I am not fully there an yet I do not want to settle for less. These past three years I have learn that. I made it my go to inspire not just the youth but the generation that is lost. I am just like every one else and because of that I want to show the world that it can be done. My dream has always been to move to Hollywood or New York, but then I thought what if I Vegas the new Hollywood. Point is I will never stop dreaming and I look for those who have not either. Life is to short to spend it on a dead end job. I want to leave this earth knowing I have inspired others to be great.